Have a WordPress problem that needs an expert?
I love solving back-end WordPress problems for digital agencies, web developers, and virtual assistants. Are you a website professional that occasionally needs a technical sidekick to solve thorny problems? I’m your go-to troubleshooter. Here’s a short list of WordPress problems I’ve recently solved:
- Updated custom e-commerce theme templates to be compatible with WooCommerce 3.x
- Wrote custom plugins to add features to other plugins, including Cool Timeline Pro and WordPress Glossary
- Restored a custom field missing from Advanced Custom Fields admin
- Tracked down a plugin conflict with WooCommerce 3.x
- Converted a membership site to Wishlist Member
- Converted over 50 sites from HTTP to HTTPS
- Fixed a subscription form that wasn’t mailing notifications
- Customized existing plugins to meet specific needs
- Next up … your problem! Work with me.
About WordHer
Here at WordHer.com, I blog about WordPress tech, provide free and low-cost WordPress tutorials, and offer WordPress consulting, coaching and WordPress Maintenance Plans. You can watch one of my free videos, or take one of my online classes. And don’t forget to sign up for the [thrive_2step id=’2638′]WordHer newsletter[/thrive_2step] to learn of new tips and tutorials when they are posted.
About Barbara
I’m a WordPress troubleshooter, tech evangelist, online publisher, blogger, and syndicated columnist. I have been making a living online since 1996. Surfnetkids.com is my flagship site for parents and teachers, but in total I have more than 55+ WordPress websites attracting more than 1.4 million visitors a month.
My interest in computers began in my teens, and resulted in a B.S. in Information & Computer Science from UC Irvine in 1976. During my twenty-year career as a mini-computer programmer, I worked for computer manufacturers (such as Varian Data Machines and Sperry-Univac) as well as for myself as an independent consultant helping small businesses build database applications for PCs. I am a nerd from way back: from the days of punch cards, paper tape loaders, and 10MB hard drives the size of microwave ovens.
Barbara J. Feldman
Surfnetkids.com, Inc.
991C Lomas Santa Fe Dr. #415
Solana Beach, CA 92075