Genesis Theme Framework by Studiopress is actually one of the newer tools in my toolbox. All my new sites (such as this one) are being developed on it, and I am gradually transitioning all my existing sites to Genesis as well. How is a framework different from a theme, and why choose a framework, you might ask. Good questions. A framework is both a theme and a foundation for child themes that are built on top of it. I choose to use a framework because it gives me access to a huge pool of talent, themes, and knowledge. Because so many developers and end-users use Genesis, many questions can be answered via a Google search. If you choose a theme that is not based on a framework, the talent pool is likely to be just the one developer that created the theme. A mature framework such as Genesis gives me security, speed, and peace of mind. This is probably a subject worthy of a longer post, but in this small space I’ll simply conclude that Genesis is a huge force in the WordPress theme marketplace, and I’m glad to be able to tap into that force.